Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Sorry I've been gone so long, I've discovered the best Gin on the planet and have been overindulging rather a lot lately. I love this stuff. Mr. Booze brought a bottle home to sample. I started with my standard G&T. Much to my surprise my G&T did not taste like others in the past. It was phenomenal! Since all other things were equal, I quickly deduced that it was the Gin which had improved my G&T so significantly.
To prove my theorem, I prepared an extra-dry martini thusly:

The Quintessential Martini
3 oz. Q Gin

Add ice to stemmed cocktail glass and set aside to chill.
Fill cocktail shaker with ice.
Add gin to cocktail shaker and swirl ever so gently, till outside of shaker is frosty.
Empty ice from cocktail glass and strain contents of shaker into cocktail glass.
Serve with Citrus stuffed Olive.

Sip and repeat.

Lo and behold it was as if I'd never tasted Gin before. There are floral notes that most gins lack, and it's amazingly smooth. Yes, on it's own, just chilled down, this makes the best martini I've ever had. Period.
Now go get some. Lemon olives are also a wonderful accompaniment.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Great site! I have a feeling I am going to learn a thing of two from you!!! ;)